Very British Problems Quiz Book

What does ‘custard and jelly’ mean in cockney rhyming slang?
Which biscuit has half of its name on top of the cooker and the other half on the door?
And 25 million of what drink are served by British Airways each year?

We Brits can’t get enough of a quiz. Stumped for office party chit-chat? Quiz. Midweek visit to the pub? Quiz. Stuck inside in pyjamas on a rainy night and in the mood to cause a big family argument? You got it – quiz.

This book is correspondingly filled with questions on all things wonderfully and unequivocally British – you’ll find all sorts of tickly teasers, complex conundrums, worrisome word searches and much more on topics ranging from our iconic weather to types of cake. Best enjoyed with a cup of tea and your favourite biscuit(s).

Product info

Item Code 403909
RRP £12.99
Barcode 9780751585346

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